The Ladder Method

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ERB Tutoring

Ask about our virtual and distance learning options for ERB tests given in the fall or the second semester.

Our standardized testing approach:
Strategies are helpful but if your student doesn't understand the underlying material, they cannot improve. That is why our Private instructors and Academic coaches spend a significant portion of our preparation refreshing your student on all of the underlying math, vocabulary and other material.

Our process: 
1. Diagnostic: We believe each student needs a starting point.

2. Refresh: We refresh all of our students on the underlying math, grammar or vocabulary required for the specific exam.

3. Strategy: We work on teaching our top test taking strategies and timing.

4. Practice: We extensively review actual test materials. 

5. Mindset: Finally, we work on teaching the right mindset to help your student reduce any performance anxiety and perform to their potential!