How are Executive Functioning skills different from Study Skills?
How-are-executive-functioning-skills-different-from-study-skills? Executive functioning are cognitive processes that enables us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. While study skills are….

Executive Functioning During Covid: What Can You Do?
If you have a student who struggles with their executive functioning skills, you might have noticed those struggles become more pronounced over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. Here’s why that is, and how we can help.

Executive Functioning: What is it, and What Do You Need to Know?
Executive-functioning-what-is-it-and-what-do-you-need-to-know. If you’re a parent, you might have heard something of a scary term floating around on blogs, or from other sources. The term is “Executive Functioning.” But what does this term mean, and what

Navigating the Transition from Elementary School
Making-the-transition-from-elementary-to-middle-school . Tips to help your young tween navigate the transition from elementary to middle school.

Why Your Child Should Not Listen to Music While Studying
Why-your-child-should-not-listen-to-music-while-studying. Music can be very distracting for students, especially ones with ADHD!

My Child Has Been Diagnosed with Executive Functioning: Now What?
Diagnosed-with-executive-functioning-now-what. Has your child recently been given an Executive Functioning diagnosis? Are you confused about what it means and how it is different than ADHD?

Top Four Natural Ways to Treat ADHD in Kids and Teens
Top-four-natural-ways-to-treat-adhd-in-your-teen. Want Alternative Ways to Treat ADHD in Your Teen or Child? Here are four Natural (non-medication) ways!

Sex, Social Media and Teens with ADHD: How to Avoid the Risks
Sex-social-media-and-teens-risks. By identifying these three risky areas, parents can avoid these pitfalls.

Top 5 Tips for Helping Your Child With their ADHD
Five-tips-for-helping-your-child-with-their-adhd. Here are five tips for supporting your child with their ADHD, and yourself as well.

The Top 5 Foods to Improve Focus in Your Kids & Teens
Top-five-foods-to-improve-focus-child. You are what you eat. So often people tell us that but understanding what that means when you head to the grocery store or prepare your child’s lunch is another thing…

Why We Teach Our Kids Failure Is Good!
Why-we-should-teach-our-kids-failure-is-good. In our increasing culture of install-perfect lives, there has begun a trend towards creating a perfect appearance. But, it’s driving kids into major stress. There doesn't seem to be any room for failure? Or mistakes?
Health & Wellness Tips