Why Summer Camp is Great for Kids
Why-summer-camp-is-great-for-kids. Summer camp has real, lifelong benefits, both educationally and socially.

To Our Graduates
To-our-graduates. Here’s some final advice for our lovely graduates!

Why Your Child Should Not Listen to Music While Studying
Why-your-child-should-not-listen-to-music-while-studying. Music can be very distracting for students, especially ones with ADHD!

Teaching Mindfulness to Your Tech-Addicted Teen
Teaching-mindfulness-to-your-tech-addicted-teen. Mindfulness has become a buzzword. But what is it, and how can it benefit your and your student’s life?

Three Ways to Make Your Home Study Friendly
Three-ways-to-make-your-home-study-friendly. There are several ways to make the whole house study friendly for your student.

What Makes a Good Goal?
What-makes-a-good-goal. Goal-setting is one of the most important skills to develop. But what makes a good goal?

The Top Benefits of Exercise and Learning
Studying-and-exercise-why-and-how. Exercise is linked to higher achievement in school. Why and how?

The Right Types of Brain Breaks
The-right-types-of-study-breaks. It’s important to take breaks during study blocks. What kind of breaks should you take?
Health & Wellness Tips