The Cognitive Benefits of taking AP classes at the high school level.

The Annual TLM Summer Reading List (2020)
The-official-tlm-summer-reading-list-year-2020. Our annual summer reading list is finally here! Read our latest recommendations for lower elementary all the way through to adulthood.

Three Tips to Tackle the Summer Slide
Three-tips-for-beating-the-summer-slide. Our Top Three tips to help your child combat the summer slide. What is a summer slide? What are our top tips to help ward against it?

Navigating the Transition from Elementary School
Making-the-transition-from-elementary-to-middle-school . Tips to help your young tween navigate the transition from elementary to middle school.

The Official TLM Fall Reading List
The-official-tlm-fall-reading-list-2019. Our favorite books to read for the upcoming cold season during fall 2019.

How to Avoid the Summer Slide
How-to-avoid-the-summer-slide. What is this scary term, and how do you get your child to work to avoid it?

The Official TLM Summer Reading List
The-official-tlm-summer-reading-list. Children and adults should both read over the summer. But what should you read?

Teaching Mindfulness to Your Tech-Addicted Teen
Teaching-mindfulness-to-your-tech-addicted-teen. Mindfulness has become a buzzword. But what is it, and how can it benefit your and your student’s life?

Top Four Natural Ways to Treat ADHD in Kids and Teens
Top-four-natural-ways-to-treat-adhd-in-your-teen. Want Alternative Ways to Treat ADHD in Your Teen or Child? Here are four Natural (non-medication) ways!

Building Good Study Habits Takes Longer than 21 Days
Building-good-habits-takes-longer-than-21-days. Many parents come to this company wondering how long tutoring and coaching should take before their child becomes an A student.
Health & Wellness Tips