Black Lives Matter, Allyship & How We Can Keep up the Momentum

Black Lives Matter, Allyship & How We Can Keep up the Momentum

Black-lives-matter-allyship-&-how-we-can-keep-up-the-momentum. From Obama's speech, last week to the inspiring turnout at the Black Lives Matter march in Los Angeles on Sunday where over 50, 000 Angelenos marched together to the marches all over the globe, I have been moved.

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Five Pressure Free Ways to Bring Back Good Habits During Co-VID 19

Five Pressure Free Ways to Bring Back Good Habits During Co-VID 19

Five-pressure-free-ways-to-bring-back-good-habits-during-co-vid-19. In this new world of social distancing, how can you start to bring back in good habits in an easier and pressure-free way. ⁠ As someone from my meditation class echoed back to me, it all starts with what we feed ourselves. Not just in terms of food but also how we feed ourselves spiritually…

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Slowdownmovement. It’s the start of a new year and a new decade and of course, here at The Ladder Method we have resolutions! As a team, we have collectively decided our resolution to be “Slow Down.” You may be wondering what “slowing down” actually looks like. To us, slowing down can look like many things. It means taking a step back. It means taking a moment to put our best foot forward. It means creating quality over quantity work. It means being mindful and being present. Ultimately, we believe in the power of slowing down to speed up.

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