How are Executive Functioning skills different from Study Skills?
How-are-executive-functioning-skills-different-from-study-skills? Executive functioning are cognitive processes that enables us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. While study skills are….

Executive Functioning: What is it, and What Do You Need to Know?
Executive-functioning-what-is-it-and-what-do-you-need-to-know. If you’re a parent, you might have heard something of a scary term floating around on blogs, or from other sources. The term is “Executive Functioning.” But what does this term mean, and what

The Top 7 Reasons You Should Study for the PSAT!
Why-you-should-study-for-the-psat. When you think about standardized tests, your mind probably jumps right to the SAT and the ACT, and perhaps the ISEE if you have a younger student. But there’s another exam that, while it doesn’t directly factor into admissions decisions, is very important for a variety of reasons: the PSAT.

School Supplies on a Budget
School-supplies-on-a-budget. Here are our top ideas for how to save while still outfitting yourself or your kids this Back to School Season.

What To Do The Night Before a Test
What-to-do-the-night-before-a-test. Stressing about finals? We have some tips to ensure you ace those exams!

Three Tips for Getting Ahead of Finals Season
3-tips-for-getting-ahead-of-finals-season. Three tips on how to manage your time and get ahead during Thanksgiving break.

Three Tips to Tackle the Summer Slide
Three-tips-for-beating-the-summer-slide. Our Top Three tips to help your child combat the summer slide. What is a summer slide? What are our top tips to help ward against it?

Navigating the Transition from Elementary School
Making-the-transition-from-elementary-to-middle-school . Tips to help your young tween navigate the transition from elementary to middle school.
10 Tips to Create the Ideal Study Space
10 Tips to Create the Ideal Study Space

How to Avoid the Summer Slide
How-to-avoid-the-summer-slide. What is this scary term, and how do you get your child to work to avoid it?

To Our Graduates
To-our-graduates. Here’s some final advice for our lovely graduates!

Why Your Child Should Not Listen to Music While Studying
Why-your-child-should-not-listen-to-music-while-studying. Music can be very distracting for students, especially ones with ADHD!

10 No Stress Tips to Ace AP Exams
10-no-stress-tips-to-ace-ap-exams. We share some of our best secrets about how our clients succeed on their AP exams!

What is the ISEE Private School Exam?
What-is-the-isee-private-school-exam. The ISEE is the most popular Independent School entrance exam in the country. It’s offered three times per year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Students are permitted to take the test three times but only once per season.

The ACT vs SAT: What is the Difference?
The-sat-vs-the-act-what-is-the-difference-gzws6. Find out which of these tests is right for your child!

How To Survive Standardized Testing Season
testing-season-advice-for-parents-and-students. Here’s what to do to survive the Standardized Testing Season.

Q&A with Founder Candice Lapin: When to Study for the ERB and the ISEE
When-to-study-for-isee-erb. With the ERB and ISEE coming up, it’s time to start getting organized for those tests.

Three Ways to Make Your Home Study Friendly
Three-ways-to-make-your-home-study-friendly. There are several ways to make the whole house study friendly for your student.

HOW TO: Get Your Child Ready for the School Year
Get-your-child-ready-for-the-school-year. Candice Lapin gives you her top three tips on what to buy to prepare for the school year.

What Makes a Good Goal?
What-makes-a-good-goal. Goal-setting is one of the most important skills to develop. But what makes a good goal?
Health & Wellness Tips